Impeach Bush

Dedicated to exposing the lies and impeachable offenses of George W. Bush.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Did Torture Work?

December 11, 2007
Did Torture Work?

In interviews yesterday and this morning, a former CIA agent called waterboarding what it is. Not "enhanced interrogation" or "harsh tactics." Simply: torture.

It's a notable achievement in the battle against the Orwellian doubletalk infesting the national discourse and the news coverage about this important issue.

John Kiriakou, who participated in the capture and questioning of the first al-Qaeda terrorist suspect to be waterboarded, also made clear that every decision leading to the torture of CIA detainees was documented and approved in cables to and from Washington. That's a step forward for accountability after two gigantic steps back last week, when it emerged that the CIA had destroyed videotapes of two of its torture sessions.



At December 15, 2007 at 9:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

mullah cimoc say cia agent John Kiriakouusa just the brainwash operation about the waterboard of him muslim.

1. If parse interview careful it obvious this cia agent John Kiriakou not even present when water board done.All information coming from alleged "reports". This not the reliable. someone "tell" him 35 seconds to confess all. sound like make up lie.

2. John Kiriakou not the present when the interrogation him muslim after the waterboard. Him not know if information reliable. Him just get the "reports".

3. John Kiriakou him under CIA contract not disclose cia information unless the written consent. Obvious, him leaking this info. with consent of cia.

Conclusion: John Kiriakou just make the lie for cia and not have the first hand knowledge. this cia mind control operation.

This part of mind control op for condition ameriki not the war crime trial for regime leaders.


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