Baltimore Sun: Congress Must Stop Bush
July 31, 2007
Baltimore Sun: Congress Must Stop BushA politically weakened, lame duck president may not be able to bring competing forces together to shape new policies or lasting achievements, but he can stubbornly protect a stooge of an attorney general almost indefinitely.
If consequences to his party are not a concern - nor the morale of a Justice Department widely viewed as dysfunctional - President Bush's refusal to fire the incompetent, prevaricating Alberto R. Gonzales serves Mr. Bush by drawing attention away from his own shortcomings.
Ideally, Senate Republicans, who have much to lose by this tawdry spectacle dragging out further, will prevail upon Mr. Gonzales, Mr. Bush or both to clear the way so the post of top law enforcement officer can be filled with someone who commands the nation's respect - instead of a political flunky concerned only with shielding his patron.
Should the GOP senators falter, the best of the remaining options appears to be naming a special prosecutor to investigate Mr. Gonzales to determine whether his many misstatements can be prosecuted for perjury.
Labels: baltimore sun, gonzales scandal, special prosecutor
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