Impeach Bush

Dedicated to exposing the lies and impeachable offenses of George W. Bush.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Paul Krugman: The Lunitic Fringe of the GOP Goes Mainstream

May 28, 2007
Paul Krugman: The Lunitic Fringe of the GOP Goes Mainstream

Here's the way it ought to be: When Rudy Giuliani says that Iran, which had nothing to do with 9/11, is part of a "movement" that "has already displayed more aggressive tendencies by coming here and killing us," he should be treated as a lunatic.

When Mitt Romney says that a coalition of "Shia and Sunni and Hezbollah and Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda" wants to "bring down the West," he should be ridiculed for his ignorance.

And when John McCain says that Osama, who isn't in Iraq, will "follow us home" if we leave, he should be laughed at.

But they aren't, at least not yet. And until belligerent, uninformed posturing starts being treated with the contempt it deserves, men who know nothing of the cost of war will keep sending other people's children to graves at Arlington.

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