Impeach Bush

Dedicated to exposing the lies and impeachable offenses of George W. Bush.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Al Hurra, the new "terror" network financed by America

May 18, 2007
Al Hurra, the new "terror" network financed by America

On March 12 in a Wall Street Journal editorial, Joel Mowbray detailed how Al-Hurra, under the leadership of former CNN producer Larry Register, had turned "into a platform for Islamic terrorists." In a May 8 follow-up editorial in Power Line, Mowbray follows Register's reaction to his editorial arguing that Al-Hurra's news director, Register, and his boss Brian Conniff, president of the network's parent company, the Middle East Broadcasting Network "hoodwinked Secretary of State Condi Rice, Undersecretary of State Karen Hughes, the Broadcasting Board of Governors [BBG], and Congress," by downplaying the extent to which the television network aired a controversial speech by Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah. Mowbray argues that Register originally assured press that only part of the speech, in which Nasrallah denied the Holocaust, aired before the network cut away. Mowbray also alludes to memos of Conniff to the BBG, Rice, and Congress in which Conniff consistently varies the actual air time of the speech, ranging from 25 to 60 minutes. Mowbray states that DVDs of the broadcast provided to Congress provide evidence that Al-Hurra carried the entire speech of 68 minutes and the network never cut away.

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At June 4, 2007 at 7:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly again, Mr. Mowbray fails to include Mr. Conniff. It was Mr. Coniff who circumvented established Alhurra HR hiring practices when he solely interviewed and hired Mr. Register without proceeding through proper HR and the BBG Board channels. The then Alhurra HR practices were reviewed by the US Department of State and deemed adequate, however, Mr. Conniff choose to ignore the Company policies and pay the $100K recruiting fee after the State IG finished their field work and completed the audit.


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