Impeach Bush

Dedicated to exposing the lies and impeachable offenses of George W. Bush.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Impeach - Time is Running Out

April 13, 2007
Impeach - Time is Running Out

The Washington Post editorial page has become a virtual Bush administration megaphone. ABC, CNN, CBS and NBC -- all the corporate-owned television news outlets -- gleefully and zealously parroted the administration's dishonest and despicable slander campaign regarding Speaker Pelosi's recent visit to Syria...complete with ignoring the visit by a Congressional Republican delegation. There is even a newspaper in Georgia that is running an unpaid serialized column written by a General in Iraq. That is Soviet-style propaganda, pure and simple. But what does it mean?

What it means is that Democracy in the United States is under attack like never before.

Time is running out for the Democrats. The corporate-owned media has made their move...they've gone "all in" on the bet that when the Iraq War smoke clears, the Republicans will be the only Party left standing.




At May 16, 2007 at 5:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you heard about HR 333? I urge you and your readers to take a few minutes to look at:

It's a list of the 25 most recent comments made by real Americans participating in an online poll/letter-writing campaign concerning the impeachment charges recently filed against Vice President Cheney, which are now being evaluated by the House Judiciary Committee. Comments can be sent to elected representatives and local newspapers at your option. The participation page is at:

Since this campaign began, some members of Congress have signed on as co-sponsors, in part due to hearing from their constituents. Has yours? Make your voice heard, and let others know!


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