Bush Mired in Stealth, Lies and Cover-Ups
April 26, 2007
Bush Mired in Stealth, Lies and Cover-UpsApril 26 (Bloomberg) -- The Bush administration will do, say and spend anything to maintain its façade of command and control.
To hear them tell it, the administration would be winning the war, if only those traitorous Democrats would stop pointing out that they aren't. Everything would be fine at Walter Reed Army Hospital and likewise New Orleans, if only the locals weren't wasting money. Those fired U.S. attorneys? Mishandled maybe, but they were properly let go "for performance-related reasons.''
Two of the most disgraceful attempts to replace the truth with propaganda were brought to vivid light on Tuesday at a congressional inquiry into the death of Corporal Pat Tillman, killed by friendly fire in 2004, and the capture of Private Jessica Lynch.
In the interest of their own PR machine, which has spent more than a billion dollars on propaganda, the Pentagon shamed itself by lying about what really happened to these two heroic patriots, who need no government flackery to make them so.
Labels: impeachable offense, white house lie
This is a pattern that repeats throughout history. Lies and cover-ups aren't special to Bush and his fellow psychopaths. Until we begin to understand the deeper dynamics of the pattern we will fall victim to it over and over. There is an excellent article here:
which talks about a book titled Ponerology, which describes how psychopaths manage to take power throughout cycles in history. Truly, those fail to understand the past are doomed to repeat it. Highly recommended.
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